Religious Education Program Guidelines 2024 - 2025
Sunday Holy Trinity Religious Education Program Guidelines 2024-2025
Classes meet from 10:15 am - 11:30 am in the school building.
Parents, please arrive prior to 10:15 am with your child(ren) and wait outside the rear doors of the school for the doors to be opened. Students will be allowed to enter the school when their catechist has arrived. Please be on time. During cold or inclement weather we will meet in Holy Trinity Church.
Mass attendance is critical for your child(ren) and this can only happen if they see that it is a priority in your life. They are unable to attend Mass, in most cases, without you. Mass times at Holy Trinity are Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 9:00 am, 11:00 am, and 6:00 pm.
As the safety and security of your child(ren) is of the utmost concern, only students, catechists, and scheduled volunteers will be allowed in the school building on the day of classes. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Children will be dismissed at 11:30 am by their catechist at the rear doors of the school and will only be released when their parent, guardian, or designated pick-up person arrives. Please let Sr. Mary-Ann Afiakwah, SMMC at 718-746-7730 ext 203 know IN ADVANCE if someone other than you will be picking up your child on a given Sunday.
In the classroom:
Due to food allergies, NO FOOD OR DRINK is allowed in the classroom. Please do not send treats in unless pre-arranged with their catechist and Sr. Mary-Ann Afiakwah, SMMC.
Please remind your child(ren) that we are guests in the classrooms. It is important for the Sunday students to remember that they should not put anything into the desks. All necessary supplies for class will be provided by the catechist.
For the older children that might have cell phones, the phones are to be turned off during class. If your child texts or uses the phone during class, the catechist will take the phone and give it to Sr. Mary-Ann Afiakwah, SMMC at 718-746-7730 ext 203 and you will be able to pick it up from her office. This will be strictly enforced.
On the first day of class, each catechist will review the classroom rules for their specific class with the students. Please remind your child(ren) the importance of following and respecting the classroom rules and each other.
Attendance policy:
Class attendance is critical. If your child will be absent, please call (or email) Sr. Mary-Ann Afiakwah, SMMC at 718-746-7730 ext 203 and leave a message. Any child with more than three absences will not be promoted to the next grade level if there has not been a good faith effort on the part of the parent to work with Sr. Mary-Ann Afiakwah, SMMC on any prolonged or multiple absence issues.