Registration for the 2024 - 2025 Religious Education School year has begun!
The Holy Trinity Office of Faith Formation provides a comprehensive faith formation program for children in grades 1-8 that do not attend a Catholic School or Academy. This parish based program supports parents in their primary role as teachers of the faith while encouraging the children and youth to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Sacramental preparation for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation is an integral part of this faith jouney and is offered through this office. Accommodations for special needs will always be honored and explored. All are welcome!
Throughout the year, various parish based faith formation opportunities are provided for families, children, and youth to gather especially during Advent and Lent.
2024 / 2025 Program Year
Sunday classes will begin in September, 2024. Please note, we will not be continuing our online programs.
Grade 1 - Grade 8: Sundays from 10:15 am – 11:30 am
Special Needs Religious Education Classes offered (individual or inclusion depending upon the need.)
Classroom Assignments
2024 - 2025
Grade 1 Room 305 Rosetta Rocco / Kayli Farrell / Catherine Winters
Grade 2 Room 308 Anthony Butz / Ramon Rodriguez
Grade 3 Room 310 Linda Lent / Grace Musacchia
Grade 4 Room 303 Josephine Nappi / Jackie Lorenzo
Grade 5 Room 309 Frank Kazlausky / Sabastian Trejo-Ayala
Grade 6 Room 307 Abigail Couto /Deacon Vincent Lino
Grade 7 Room 302 Diana Roach / Theresa Escarda
Grade 8 Room 301 Edd Lombardo / Gabriel Trejo- Ayala
Special Needs: Jean Coyle
Sunday Assistants:
1. Mary Kennedy
2. Catherine Winters
3. Theresa Escarda
4. Rosetta Rocco
5. Ramon Rodriguez
6. Grace Musacchia
7. Sabastian Trejo – Ayala
8. Gabriel Trejo – Ayala
All New Registrations and Re-registrations must complete our Online Registration Form at the following link::
We have recently updated our Sunday Religious Education Guidelines at the following link:
Sunday Religious Education Guidelines
Sr. Mary-Ann Afiakwah, SMMC
Director of Faith Formation
Telephone: 718-746-7730 ext 12
Email: holytrinityfaithformation@